martedì 12 novembre 2019

Suur taimejaht (Survery)

Today in kindergarten we did the survey with the two classes participating in our project to continue with our project. The children participated in an active form and showed interest.
I would like to thank the teachers Viive and Ketli for their participation.

martedì 29 ottobre 2019

Eco School Class Part. 2

Endla Lasteaed ja Tallinna Kunstikooli piloot huvihariduse LOODUSRINGI lapsed andsid 30.10.2019 HALLOWEENI eelõhtul KÕRVITSALE uue tähenduse:) Tegevuse kokkuvõtet saab vaadata siit

martedì 22 ottobre 2019

Nature is Beauty and Fun!! Part. III


The kids will use nature to create art and play with it. The teachers will explain how to use it and how it helps the environment to take care of our green world.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- It made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Mõmmid and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

martedì 15 ottobre 2019

Nature is Beauty and Fun!! Part. II


The kids will use nature to create art and play with it. The teachers will explain how to use it and how it helps the environment to take care of our green world.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- It made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Sipsik and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

lunedì 7 ottobre 2019

EcoSchool Class.

Tallinna Kunstikooli ja Endla LA huviharidusepiloodi raames esimene 48 osalejaga looduskooli kolmapäev "Eco-School". 

Mille käigus on lastel võimalus osaleda ENDLA AIA kujundamisel, tegutseda aias teha koostööd ja algatada uusi ettevõtmisi ja liikuda ning lustida.
Igal kolmapäeval on looduskooli lapsed õues kella 16.00- 17.45 seega pered, kes soovivad oma lapsed õuest kaasa noppida siis olge lahked😉

Järgmise kolmapäevase kohtumiseni LOODUSLAPSED ♥️


1) üles nopitud meie puude liigi märgistused, millele soovime hiljem juurde arendada liigi tutvustus kaardi ja teha koos lastega asendiplaanile joonis
2) rajatud kevadine tulbi-aed, mis peaks meid oma õiteiluga rõõmustama juba kevadel
3) koos noppisime üles õunu, mida soovime Tallinna loomaaia loomadele saata.


Health and Wellbeing
Disseminate and understand the importance of a clean space

Class: All the kindergaten's classes

Where: Endla Kindergarten Garden

lunedì 30 settembre 2019

Make our Jummy! Part II


The activity includes the picking of the fruit that grows in our school. in the first period of fall, the coordinator will give the task to the children to pick good and healthy fruits to make with the help of their teacher; in the 2nd meeting, we will collect the fruit and give it to the parents. At the end of the activity will reward the children with a healthy and balanced snack that they will consume together with the coordinator.


- Biodiversity and Nature, School grounds, waste and food.
- Disseminate and understand the importance the bio food

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Endla kindergarten.

Where is it:

At the school (in class and garden).

martedì 24 settembre 2019

Lehtede koristamine


Today with Sipsik class, we have seen that autumn has arrived and with it, it has arrived more wind :) and leaves of the trees have fallen on our garden, so we decided to put all the leaves together and create a big mountain, after some play time we clean the leaves and leave everything clean and nice.


Health and Well being
Disseminate and understand the importance of a clean space

Class: Sipsikud lapsed

Where: Endla Kindergarten Garden

martedì 3 settembre 2019

Make our Jummy!


The activity includes the picking of the fruit that grows in our school. in the first period of fall, the coordinator will give the task to the children to pick good and healthy fruits to make with the help of their teacher; in the 2nd meeting, we will collect the fruit and give it to the parents. At the end of the activity will reward the children with a healthy and balanced snack that they will consume together with the coordinator.


- Biodiversity and Nature, School grounds, waste and food.
- Disseminate and understand the importance the bio food

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Endla kindergarten.

Where is it:

At the school (in class and garden).

lunedì 12 agosto 2019

A delicious snack


The activity, differentiated by class, includes two meetings at school. in the first meeting, the coordinator will give the task to the children to find good and healthy snacks to propose with the help of their parents; in the 2nd meeting, he will check the work / proposals of the children giving advice and useful information. At the end of the activity will reward the children with a healthy and balanced snack that they will consume together with the coordinator.


- Health and Well being, Food
- Disseminate and understand the importance of a "healthy" and balanced snack.
To whom it is addressed:
The activity is aimed at children of Sipsik and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).
As a plan it will be in October

giovedì 18 luglio 2019

Nature is Beauty and Fun!!


The kids will use the nature to create art and play with it. The teachers will explain how to use it and how it help the Environment to take care of our green world.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- Made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Sipsik and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

giovedì 27 giugno 2019

Changes of view II

Pictures of the 0 korrus after the green Environment changes.

Old fornitures were change and also use of recycle wood in the class.

lunedì 10 giugno 2019



Use the senses to recognize / know foods and preparations.


- Stimulate the senses to recognize foods;
- Learn to discover hidden foods in the various dishes proposed through the senses: smell, taste and
finally the sight;
- Enhance the senses at the time of the meal and the products.

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at all children.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

For Example: The mushrooms's week, where the kids prepare a box full of mushrooms bring it by themself from home.

venerdì 17 maggio 2019

The game of the food (Workshop)


The workshop begins with the figurative representation of nature (blue mats with medallions with fish to depict the river, a yellow mat with ears to symbolize the wheat field, a green with vegetables and orchards, a brown with different animals etc).

The game consisted of collecting two medallions representing various foods to the girls and boys; later, drawing some cards with the image of a different emoticons, “I eat well”, “I eat nothing”, “I eat a little”, “I take too much”, the girls and the boys had to insert the medallions in the life bag or the waste bag respectively (depending on the card taken).

At the end it will be noticed as in the mats depicting nature, there were many foods that, unfortunately, had ended up in the waste bag.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- Made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Muumid and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).
November after the kids have more awareness about the concept of waste

sabato 27 aprile 2019

Family at the kindergarten for lunch/breakfast


- Eat together with children, parents and teachers a recipe already included in the menu offered to children of the nest.
- In the lunch/breakfast there will be different food from other countries and show the culture of different places
- During the lunch the teachers and children will answer the questions of the parents to understand some better topics related to the wasting of food.


- Global citizen and Food
- Make parents aware of the importance of following a healthy diet for the health of their child;
- Make known to families the feeding offered to children in the nest;
- Provide parents with new ideas on "what to cook" for their children;
- To disseminate theoretical knowledge about the emotional value of food.

To whom it is addressed:

The initiative involves class groups (identified by the coordinator project) for the parents for one day.
The helpers, the coordinator and educator of the structure will be present.

Where is it:
Kindergarten Endla

For Example: Laste Maailma Kohvik

mercoledì 10 aprile 2019

Active involvement of teachers and parents in awareness activities

This project wants to create an active participation of teachers, parents and competent people in the
realization of activities of sensitization within the kindergarten.

The first activities will be tested with the girls and boys our kindergarten to raise awareness on the issue of food and water waste and, subsequently, actively involve them in the phases of the project planned to raise awareness of the other classes of the School.

The girls and the boys will actively participate, reflecting on the themes presented and giving many ideas to be realize with the younger companions. Underlining that it is necessary to deal in more detail with the connection between nature and food that could be not very understanding for small children.

domenica 31 marzo 2019

Õppeaasta lõppes Endla lasteaias lemmikloomapäevaga

Õppeaasta lõpp oli elevust täis, kuna lasteaias oli lisaks kaaslastele veel uusi ja karvaseid sõpru tulnud uudistama. Näiteks külastas lapsi liikumisõpetaja Marjet koos enda koera Sammyga, õppejuhil Liinal oli kaasas kääbusküülik Välk, õpetaja Mare tõi õues oleku ajaks enda koera, lisaks võis päeva jooksul kohata kahte kassi - Alberti kass Saskia tuli reede hommikul tervitama kõiki tulijaid ja Sipsiku rühma kaaslaseid, Berthal oli kaasas klaaskarbi sees väike kärbes, Johanni kass tuli õhtul lapsi tervitama, Mona vanaema koer ja Saskia ning Simona koer külastas sõpru õhtusel ajal ja veel teisigi. 

giovedì 21 marzo 2019

We have lunch together


- Children will have lunch together with the kids of other classes.
- Childrenì will have the opportunity to do the "lunch together" every day with another class . At the beginning of the food education activities, the teachers will explain the lunch of the day, their ingredients during which the children will consume together  with new friends and their teachers.


- Waste, Water and Food
- Begin to reflect on how important it is to socialize with new people, sharing the food so as to decrease the waste and making a varied and balanced lunch;
- In the activity we will also explain the importance of the water and teach them how to dont waste it.
- Discover new spaces.

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Endla Kindergarden.

At the school (in the kitchen).

Also we will create special activity to make this activity more interesting after the passing of the years.

giovedì 7 marzo 2019

Changes of view


The kindergarten will make the possible to create an Eco-friendly environments, changing as most as
possible the appliances and create green spaces for the kids.

The principal change made by Endla Kindergarten was to make a unique space for the food time to the kids, changing old fornurite (Fridge, dishwasher daily use and stove).

Also create a sport space where the kids will have all the free to use it and renovating also old forniture that consume more energy.


- Health and Well being, wasted, water and litter.
- Check the green-energy costs of the place.
- A place where the kids will socialize and learn about the food wating problem

To whom it is addressed:

- President (Gryyne Ott) and Vice (Liina Sugis) of the Endla Kindergarten.

Where is it:

At the school (in the kitchen class, sport class).

We hope in the future to continue to change old forniture to create a green Environment in our school

mercoledì 27 febbraio 2019

Activities dedicated to the search for possible solutions.

  • Meetings between the different teachers, helpers to talk about why they think there is a waste of food in their classes and possible solution.
  • Online questionnaire for parents asking the same questions and looking for possible solutions.

At this point the children have not yet been sensitized so they will not participate in this part of the
project. :)

martedì 5 febbraio 2019

Purpose of the green education project :)

Promote food culture and awareness through a systemic approach involving schools of all levels, teachers, pupils and families.

To make children and young people understand that each of us, to feel good, must provide to our body with a complete, balanced diet that meets their needs and help the world to reduce the wasted of food.


  • To sensitize children and teachers on the topic of food waste, their impact on the environment and natural resources;
  • To favor in the child an adequate perception on the value of food, a good that is not unlimited and that can not be thrown lightly;
  • To sensitize teachers and operators involved in feeding the meal for a careful, calibrated and never excessive portioning of food.

martedì 15 gennaio 2019


Food education must be understood as an educational and informative path through which the general improvement of the nutritional status of individuals is achieved, through the promotion of adequate eating habits, the elimination of unsatisfactory eating habits, the use of more hygienic manipulation. of food and efficient use of food resources.

Oms – World Health Organization.
Fao – United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture.

The need for an integrated project. Roheline Kool

There are numerous evidences that testify to the need for an intervention aimed at preventing and
improving the health framework of the young generations. According to recent estimates, 89 million tons of food are discarded every year in Europe. Food is wasted at any stage of the food chain. The reduction of food waste is therefore at the top of the agenda of the European Union's objectives.

Among the sectors in which there is a strong food waste is that of collective catering, in general, and in particular in schools. The causes are many and not all to be attributed to the sensory characteristics of the foods proposed, but also, and sometimes above all, to the lack of value attributed to food by children and to a widespread flattening of food choices within the family unit.

The Endla Kindergarten wanted to activate with a project to raise awareness on the issue of waste to
encourage their progressive reduction. The project we will carried out in collaboration with teachers,
children and teachers.