mercoledì 27 febbraio 2019

Activities dedicated to the search for possible solutions.

  • Meetings between the different teachers, helpers to talk about why they think there is a waste of food in their classes and possible solution.
  • Online questionnaire for parents asking the same questions and looking for possible solutions.

At this point the children have not yet been sensitized so they will not participate in this part of the
project. :)

martedì 5 febbraio 2019

Purpose of the green education project :)

Promote food culture and awareness through a systemic approach involving schools of all levels, teachers, pupils and families.

To make children and young people understand that each of us, to feel good, must provide to our body with a complete, balanced diet that meets their needs and help the world to reduce the wasted of food.


  • To sensitize children and teachers on the topic of food waste, their impact on the environment and natural resources;
  • To favor in the child an adequate perception on the value of food, a good that is not unlimited and that can not be thrown lightly;
  • To sensitize teachers and operators involved in feeding the meal for a careful, calibrated and never excessive portioning of food.