Food education must be understood as an educational and informative path through which the general improvement of the nutritional status of individuals is achieved, through the promotion of adequate eating habits, the elimination of unsatisfactory eating habits, the use of more hygienic manipulation. of food and efficient use of food resources.
Oms – World Health Organization.
Fao – United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture.
The need for an integrated project. Roheline Kool
There are numerous evidences that testify to the need for an intervention aimed at preventing and
improving the health framework of the young generations. According to recent estimates, 89 million tons of food are discarded every year in Europe. Food is wasted at any stage of the food chain. The reduction of food waste is therefore at the top of the agenda of the European Union's objectives.
Among the sectors in which there is a strong food waste is that of collective catering, in general, and in particular in schools. The causes are many and not all to be attributed to the sensory characteristics of the foods proposed, but also, and sometimes above all, to the lack of value attributed to food by children and to a widespread flattening of food choices within the family unit.
The Endla Kindergarten wanted to activate with a project to raise awareness on the issue of waste to
encourage their progressive reduction. The project we will carried out in collaboration with teachers,
children and teachers.