martedì 29 ottobre 2019

Eco School Class Part. 2

Endla Lasteaed ja Tallinna Kunstikooli piloot huvihariduse LOODUSRINGI lapsed andsid 30.10.2019 HALLOWEENI eelõhtul KÕRVITSALE uue tähenduse:) Tegevuse kokkuvõtet saab vaadata siit

martedì 22 ottobre 2019

Nature is Beauty and Fun!! Part. III


The kids will use nature to create art and play with it. The teachers will explain how to use it and how it helps the environment to take care of our green world.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- It made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Mõmmid and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

martedì 15 ottobre 2019

Nature is Beauty and Fun!! Part. II


The kids will use nature to create art and play with it. The teachers will explain how to use it and how it helps the environment to take care of our green world.


- Litter, Food and Climate changing
- It made clear to young people how there is an indissoluble link between nature and food.
- Learn with games

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Sipsik and Mesimummud.

Where is it:

At the school (in class).

lunedì 7 ottobre 2019

EcoSchool Class.

Tallinna Kunstikooli ja Endla LA huviharidusepiloodi raames esimene 48 osalejaga looduskooli kolmapäev "Eco-School". 

Mille käigus on lastel võimalus osaleda ENDLA AIA kujundamisel, tegutseda aias teha koostööd ja algatada uusi ettevõtmisi ja liikuda ning lustida.
Igal kolmapäeval on looduskooli lapsed õues kella 16.00- 17.45 seega pered, kes soovivad oma lapsed õuest kaasa noppida siis olge lahked😉

Järgmise kolmapäevase kohtumiseni LOODUSLAPSED ♥️


1) üles nopitud meie puude liigi märgistused, millele soovime hiljem juurde arendada liigi tutvustus kaardi ja teha koos lastega asendiplaanile joonis
2) rajatud kevadine tulbi-aed, mis peaks meid oma õiteiluga rõõmustama juba kevadel
3) koos noppisime üles õunu, mida soovime Tallinna loomaaia loomadele saata.


Health and Wellbeing
Disseminate and understand the importance of a clean space

Class: All the kindergaten's classes

Where: Endla Kindergarten Garden