domenica 31 marzo 2019

Õppeaasta lõppes Endla lasteaias lemmikloomapäevaga

Õppeaasta lõpp oli elevust täis, kuna lasteaias oli lisaks kaaslastele veel uusi ja karvaseid sõpru tulnud uudistama. Näiteks külastas lapsi liikumisõpetaja Marjet koos enda koera Sammyga, õppejuhil Liinal oli kaasas kääbusküülik Välk, õpetaja Mare tõi õues oleku ajaks enda koera, lisaks võis päeva jooksul kohata kahte kassi - Alberti kass Saskia tuli reede hommikul tervitama kõiki tulijaid ja Sipsiku rühma kaaslaseid, Berthal oli kaasas klaaskarbi sees väike kärbes, Johanni kass tuli õhtul lapsi tervitama, Mona vanaema koer ja Saskia ning Simona koer külastas sõpru õhtusel ajal ja veel teisigi. 

giovedì 21 marzo 2019

We have lunch together


- Children will have lunch together with the kids of other classes.
- Childrenì will have the opportunity to do the "lunch together" every day with another class . At the beginning of the food education activities, the teachers will explain the lunch of the day, their ingredients during which the children will consume together  with new friends and their teachers.


- Waste, Water and Food
- Begin to reflect on how important it is to socialize with new people, sharing the food so as to decrease the waste and making a varied and balanced lunch;
- In the activity we will also explain the importance of the water and teach them how to dont waste it.
- Discover new spaces.

To whom it is addressed:

The activity is aimed at children of Endla Kindergarden.

At the school (in the kitchen).

Also we will create special activity to make this activity more interesting after the passing of the years.

giovedì 7 marzo 2019

Changes of view


The kindergarten will make the possible to create an Eco-friendly environments, changing as most as
possible the appliances and create green spaces for the kids.

The principal change made by Endla Kindergarten was to make a unique space for the food time to the kids, changing old fornurite (Fridge, dishwasher daily use and stove).

Also create a sport space where the kids will have all the free to use it and renovating also old forniture that consume more energy.


- Health and Well being, wasted, water and litter.
- Check the green-energy costs of the place.
- A place where the kids will socialize and learn about the food wating problem

To whom it is addressed:

- President (Gryyne Ott) and Vice (Liina Sugis) of the Endla Kindergarten.

Where is it:

At the school (in the kitchen class, sport class).

We hope in the future to continue to change old forniture to create a green Environment in our school